Microblading Gone Wrong? Contact Sandra Permanent Makeup
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Microblading Gone Wrong


Microblading Gone Wrong

Let’s talk about the Microblading Gone Wrong scenarios and how to avoid being added onto this list. As you most probably know by now microblading involves using certain number of needles to apply ink to the eyebrows while applying ultra-fine, short micro-lines of ink so that they can look like natural hairs. A mixture of pigment that matches the eyebrow’s natural colour is then applied on the needles that inject the pigments in brush strokes.

Sometimes, the microblading procedure does not happen as expected and there are undesired results and infections. There are dangers associated with eyebrows microblading especially if the process is being handled by inexperienced makeup artists who are not certified.


There have been many microblading gone wrong cases related to eyebrows microblading which have resulted to infections. A good number of people have ended up with severe infections that make their eyes blow up and the skin falls away. Some inexperienced makeup artists fail to maintain a health sanitary standard. Microblading from such artists usually results to severe swelling, loss of feeling, and severe migraines around the eyebrows.

However, if you visit a reputable makeup artist, it is unlikely you will get infections from their clinic. Furthermore, ensure the permanent makeup artist is wearing gloves, face mask, using only disposable needles or the tools and equipment are covered with the barrier film – although not all reputable makeup artists do this. Permanent makeup infections mostly happen once you have left the clinic. So the aftercare instructions you are given at the clinic are very important and you should follow them keenly. Some of the important tips include:

  • Avoid harsh face cleansers
  • Be careful with stray hairs, styling products, and your hair as they can irritate the treated area and cause damage
  • Don’t scratch the treated area.

If you happen to get infected, seek medical treatment instantly. It is best for the infection to be treated as soon as possible to prevent it from getting worse.

Undesirable results

Some people start looking for removal methods after microblading gone wrong. Microblading artists with little or no experience do not know how to mix the right colours or what pressure to use when working in the skin. Microblading need experienced professionals who know how to mix colours that match the skin tone for the right results. Unqualified microblading professionals apply the wrong colour or pressure which makes microblading look unnatural.

It is important you research before getting eyebrows microblading treatment because if you get an underqualified makeup artist, you will definitely get undesirable results, and keep in mind that it is your face at all. Most inexperienced artists will make your brows too bright and this may be disheartening.

What to do next

To avoid your microblading experience from going wrong, a high skilled artist like Sandra Opul is recommended. Permanent makeup artists like Sandra Opul go through extensive training on microblading treatments and are skilled in fixing undesirable results if your microblading results go wrong. Unqualified artists come cheap but they may not be confident and skilled enough to do a correction job.

If your microblading gone wrong, do not be afraid to contact Sandra Opul for help. Sandra Opul is always available for any enquiries even if your initial microblading treatment has not been performed by one of her artists.

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